Tuesday, October 6, 2009

(500) Days of Summer

It's not very often that I come out of a movie and actually think, "I loved that. Really LOVED it. I'd watch it again. I might even buy it when it comes out on DVD." It seems that so many movies these days are full of lame attempts at predictable humor or are remakes of something earlier, whether it's an older movie, a book, or a children's toy from the 1980s. But this movie was great. It was original, and funny, and moving. I love the kind of movies that have so much emotion, and are so heart-wrenching, that you find yourself thinking about them, and the characters, long afterward. Not only was the movie a great getaway into the lives of its characters, but it made me consider my own life as well. It's often been hard for me to move on from things in the past, whether situations or relationships. A line from one of the characters in the movie stated, "I think next time you look back...you should look again." That was timely in my own life right now, and is something I think we all need to hear from time to time. Sometimes things were not as great as we remember them. Looking to the future can be just as fulfilling as the memories.

Did anyone else see it? Watch it and let me know what you think!


Mekelle said...

I have been wanting to see that movie. Have not really heard much on it though. But after reading your post, I really really want to go see it. I like those type of movies and I too think I could learn something. Thank you for the movie review! :)

Audrey/Cooper's grandma said...

I saw it and really liked it too. I like the main actress Zoey. I went to see it originally because of her and also because it is an independent flick. Those movies are generally different and interesting. That is if you can find one that is not rated R!

Kristi said...

Coundn't wait to see it. Saw it. Didn't love it. I did love the part where he started dancing after the big one. But other than that... it was kind of a bomb for me. Sorry.