This is a little late, but Chase and I celebrated our second anniversary a couple of weeks ago. Things were a little crazy with work and the holidays around that time, so I'm going to write about it now, and also mention my thoughts about our wedding day, which I intended to write about at the time, but I could not find my journal anywhere the night before my wedding.
It was very, very cold the day of our wedding, Saturday, December 15, 2007. I awoke feeling strangely calm, even though this day would change my life and my eternity forever. I woke up in my old room at my mom's house, and went downstairs where my Aunt Janine made me scrambled eggs. Soon Crystal, who was doing my hair and make up, showed up. I had dressed in my Sunday clothes for arrival at the temple. She did a beautiful job, even hiding the new zit that popped up that morning! Just my luck. My sisters sat with me and got their hair and makeup done too.
My mom and Rod drove me to the temple, and I read the December issue of the Ensign in the backseat on the way there. At the temple, we sat in the waiting room awaiting the arrival of Chase and his parents. We had gotten our messages mixed a little, and Chase was about 30 minutes late. I was beginning to get a little hysterical waiting for him, hoping nothing had happened. When he finally showed up I was so relieved, I cried but got mad at him a little. He didn't even realize he was late. We met with the recorder, who changed my last name on my new recommend, even though I didn't ask her to, and then we were whisked off to change into our wedding ceremony clothes. I wore my regular white temple dress, since my wedding dress wasn't white!
We went through some of the things you do before the wedding ceremony, and then were allowed to spend some time in the celestial room. There were about 90 weddings going on that day, and so they were running a little behind. I didn't mind, as we sat there together peacefully, for the last time as fiances. I knew my grandpa was there and that he was happy with me. They finally led us into the sealing room, and we looked at all the smiling faces of our friends and relatives who had joined us. The sealer took lots of time with us. I was afraid we would be whisked through that part too, but he did a wonderful job. He never made us feel rushed, he just made us feel special, like it was our day and he had all the extra time in the world to spend on us. After we were married and we hugged everyone, I went back to the bride's dressing room where my mom helped me into my wedding dress. I made sure my hair and makeup were just right, and then I walked down the long hall toward the exit to meet my new husband! I still remember his expression when he first saw me then. We waited until it was our turn to walk out, and everyone cheered! Pictures were taken, so many pictures, that took hours out in the cold and left my feet feeling numb on that cold day. Chase carried me when I couldn't feel my feet enough to walk anymore. But it was worth it to get all the beautiful photographic memories of that day.
Soon it was time to go to our wedding dinner. Chase drove me up Millcreek Canyon as it lightly began to snow. He turned up the heat in his car to keep me warm and I think I even fell asleep for a few minutes! Log Haven was decorated beautifully for Christmas, and our portion of the restaurant looked even better, thanks to my sisters. They did everything that made our dinner beautiful...the decorations, the picture displays, the cake, etc. I immediately changed into my slippers and began to greet guests! So many people that I love were there! We began to form the line for the food (which ran out before everyone got to eat! I'm still mad about that) and while we ate our family members and friends passed around a microphone and spoke of their memories about us. People began to leave after dinner, even though I wanted them to stay and dance! We still danced, and that is perhaps my favorite memory of the day, dancing with Chase at our wedding dinner and knowing we were married now, feeling so secure in that and the knowledge of our love. I tried to talk to everyone who had come to support us. I didn't throw my bouquet, I knew exactly who I wanted to give it to! I actually had two, one for holding and one for throwing. I gave one to Rochele and one to Carrie!
We wrapped things up and changed back into our regular clothes. Pictures were snapped of us making our way to our car to escape to our honeymoon! Our car wasn't decorated, as we were borrowing Chase's dad's car for the honeymoon and I threatened everyone with their lives if they did anything to it. We opened cards all the way to the Hotel Monaco, where we spent our first night!
It was the most wonderful wedding day I could have asked for. And though no December 15 since has quite compared with it, I know we are in for a lifetime of wonderful experiences like this!
This year, I had to work until 7 PM on December 15. Chase picked me up at work, which is just what I needed that day. When we got home, he made me close my eyes as I sat at the dining room table waiting for him to make last minute preparations. When I opened them, he had our wedding video playing for me to watch while he finished making dinner, which was a wonderful lemon chicken piccata, garlic-and-romano mashed red potatoes, asparagus, and pastry-wrapped baked brie!
It's been an interesting but great two years, as we've been with each other through graduations, new jobs, loss of jobs, new homes, and many other things. We are both excited for the adventures our futures will bring and love each other more as the days pass!
Sorry, this is kind of long, and I don't really expect anyone to read the whole thing, but I wanted to make sure I remembered these experiences!